Jumat, 03 Juni 2016



1.      What is the death ?
Death is the end of life. So in this simple definition another term is needed to be explained and that is - life. For human being, life is the existence of an individual. If we take the term existence as an easily understood one, as because not each word can be explained in a limited opportunity, we can now define death and that is "death is the end of existence".

2.      Ayat about death

كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ذَائِقَةُ الْمَوْتِ وَنَبْلُوكُمْ بِالشَّرِّ وَالْخَيْرِ فِتْنَةً وَإِلَيْنَا تُرْجَعُونَ
(AL ANBIYA’ 35 )
أَيْنَمَا تَكُونُوا يُدْرِكُكُمُ الْمَوْتُ وَلَوْ كُنْتُمْ فِي بُرُوجٍ مُشَيَّدَةٍ
(AN NISSA’ 78 )
From this verse we know that death is such a thing that you can’t escape from
even if you are in a house, which is built with metal walls, and has a massive
padlock. Death will not only come when hair and the beard turn white, but it can
come at any time, even when you are a baby, or an old person or a teenager or
of middle age. Even if you are a king, a Prime Minister or a leader of one of the

3.      Every soul shall taste death
·         Every soul shall taste death, Allah has said in the Qur’aan:"Every soul will taste death.”
·       Hazrat Bilal bin Masood and Umar bin Abdul Aziz Radiallaho Anho said, “O
People! You are not created for being destroyed”. You will travel from one home to
another home. For a believer, death is a gift.
·       Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam has said, “The gift for a believer is
4.      Why people must remember to the death
Merits of the Remembrance of Death
Know that the person, who is engrossed in the world and cheated by its charming
coquetries, is unmindful of the remembrance of death. They do not remember
death and when they are reminded of it, they do not like it. Allah has said
regarding such a man:“The deaths from which you flee away will meet you.
Thereafter you will be led to the Knower of the world seen and unseen. You will
then be informed of what you did.”
The reason why we are encouraged to be steadfast in the remembrance of our death is because it is directly related with our fear of Allah, and remembering that there is an afterlife reinforces the idea that we are mortal beings.
5.      Why death can increase our iman
Death can increase your iman because it will be relate to Allah, we should fear to do something wrong, such as stole, zina, lie, and others. Because people doesn’t know how the death come, death can come from everything, anytime and we guess it.
            Many people said TIME IS LONG, BUT LIFE IS SHORT  with this word we can relate with the death. We can imagine and choose how we will die, it mean death under blessing from Allah swt or death with atheism and sin. So as a muslim we should remember to the death for increase our iman to Allah swt.

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